We told you it was coming out at Gen Con 50. And that you could pre-order soon, well soon is now! As the Pre-Orders for the book went LIVE today UPDATE – The Pre-Order period is now over direct from Green Ronin Publishing, but it’s still up on as an PDF only. or via […]
Spiel And Kennerspiel des Jahres Winners Announced
The winner for the Spiel des Jahres, game of the year, is the tile laying game, Kingdomino by Bruno Cathala. The game is available now at your FLGS or Amazon so you can add this to your gaming library today. and last but not least, is the the winner of the Kennerspiel des […]
New Doctor Who Teased By The BBC, And Something Is Different
So, let me get this out of the way right now, I know this news is all over the interwebs, but if you want to wait for the Christmas episode to find out the identity of the new doctor, then I suggest you stop reading this post right here and now. Because as River […]
Dracula’s America: Shadows of the West
President Dracula, that has a nice ring to it, I’d vote for him. Well you know Vampires and all that 🙂 It is 1875, and Count Dracula is President of the United States of America. In the wake of the Civil War, with the country struggling to regain its balance, Dracula seized […]
Tunnels & Trolls Adventures to Launch on August 17th
MetaArcade will be launching Tunnels & Trolls on August 17th to coincide with its presence at Gen Con 50 in Indianapolis. It will be launched on the App Store and Google Play on the 17th and later for PC / Mac / Steam. Tunnels & Trolls Adventures is a dungeon crawling RPG experience that […]