For The King is a challenging (read that as HARD) blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is very unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Death comes easy, and it will come many many many times, get used to dying. It’s going to something you […]
Renowned Explorers: International Society Review
Renowned Explorers is an attitude-driven turn-based strategy exploration game. This strategy-with-a-twist title from Abbey Games is bewildering at times, but endearing and addictive. At its heart, the game is pretty simple; recruit a crew and go on a fabulous adventure spanning multiple expeditions across the globe, with the intent of becomi
2017 Origins Awards Winner Announced
The Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design presented the Origins Awards Saturday June 17th at the annual awards show held at the 2017 Origins Game Fair in Columbus, OH. Drum roll please, and the winners are Game of the Year Scythe – Stonemeier Games Board Game of the Year Scythe – Stonemeier […]
Dungeons & Dragons Dice Masters: Tomb of Annihilation
Introducing Draft Packs, a new configuration for Dice Masters, offering an alternative to sealed organized play events. The Dungeons & Dragons Dice Masters: Tomb of Annihilation draft pack makes it easier to draft than ever before! Using the same proprietary Dice Building Game platform developed by Mike Elliot and Eric M. Lang tha
Dungeons & Dragons: Tomb of Annihilation Adventure System Board Game
Continuing the grand adventures of Castle Ravenloft®, The Legend of Drizzt®, Wrath of Ashardalon® and Temple of Elemental Evil™, the brand new Tomb of Annihilation Adventure System Board Game will feature multiple scenarios, challenging quests and game play designed for a single player or a cooperative group of 2-5 players. In the Tom