One of the best things about Dungeons & Dragons through out the ages, has been the art. Raise your hands, if you spent many hours of your youth, thumbing thru the monster manual, and looking at the creatures and wonderful art, Maybe that was just me. Now a new documentary is going behind the […]
Doctor Who Time Clash Card Game Coming From Cubical 7
Cubicle 7 will release the Doctor Who Time Clash Starter Set in December. The game has players take opposing sides in the conflict between the Twelfth Doctor and the Daleks for the fate of the universe itself. Players play cards representing plans, threats, tech and quips, to stacks representing the time of the […]
Fantasy Flight To Co-Publish Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel
Today Modiphius Entertainment, and Cabinet Entertainment announced a new partnership with Fantasy Flight Games for the global publishing, retail distribution, localization, and translation of the Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel miniatures board game. In a joint statement issued by Fredrik Malmberg, president and CEO of Cabin
Sauriana 54mm Miniatures Game Kickstarter
Indeed you did read that correct, this is an 54mm miniatures game. But the most important part that you need to know about this 54mm Dinosaurs! Dinosaurs people! Dinosaurs! Sauriana, a 54mm miniature war game set in an alternate 19th Century where prehistoric life once again reigns supreme and the very laws […]
Pathfinder Adventures Adventure Deck 4 Out Now From Obsidian Entertainment
Pathfinder Adventures on iOS and Android phones, Obsidian Entertainment is very happy to announce that Adventure Deck 4, “Fortress of the Stone Giants,” is now available on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Continuing the adventure of the Rise of the Runelords campaign, your party will return to the coastal town […]