Paizo Inc., publisher of the award-winning Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, announces today the release of new softcover pocket editions for two of the game’s essential rulebooks, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary. The Core Rulebook and Bestiary pocket editions will include the same page cou
DDO Players Review – Storm King’s Thunder
The fifth story-line adventure for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons is Storm King’s Thunder, which harkens back to the classic adventure series, Against the Giants, adventures G1 through G3 for 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. A NOTE though, this IS NOT a redo of this series, like Curse Of Strahd was to Ravenloft! […]
Icons of the Realms: Storm King’s Thunder Figures Now Available
For those that are getting ready to start Storm King’s Thunder, Wizkids has you covered if you need some new mini’s to round your collection. The Giants have returned to the Forgotten Realms in force as they clash with dragons and one another in epic battles for glory and territory, while humans and […]
Syrinscape Teams With Geek & Sundry For Critical Role Soundpack
Syrinscape, creator of the award-winning apps that put the power of custom, movie-like sound effects, soundscapes, music and dynamic tabletop audio solutions at the fingertips of the gamer, announces today the release of the Geek & Sundry’s Critical Role: Goblin Raid SoundPack. The Geek & Sundry’s Critical Role: Goblin Raid So
DDO Players Adventures in Middle-earth Player’s Guide Review
Smaug has been defeated, the Battle of Five Armies has been won, and Bilbo has returned to the Shire. But much danger still remains, and from the Orc-holds of the mountains to the dark and corrupt depths of Mirkwood a darkness waits, recovering its strength, laying its plans, and slowly extending its shadow… In […]