Drac has a chat with Voice Actor Travis Willingham. Travis Willingham is best known as the voice of Thor in the animated Marvel movies, and of course as Grog Strongjaw From Critical Role. He will also be the voice of the Dungeon Master in Update 32: Against The Slave Lords. We cover his work as a voice actor, Critical Role, and his voice work f
DDO Players Reviews Halfsies Dice
If there is one thing that RPG and Tabletop players love is dice.. we have a bond with your dice. We don’t let other people touch them. We punish then when they roll bad (Ok, maybe that’s just me) We also like our dice to stand out in the crowd. With Halfsies dice you […]
Acquisitions Incorporated – PAX West 2016 Animated Intro
We told you about the upcoming live Acquisitions Incorporated event in theaters and PAX West. WOTC has released the Animated Intro that gets your caught up on the story and gets us ready for the event.
DDO Players Reviews The Goonies Adventure Card Game
Before I get to the review, you will have to do the “Truffle Shuffle” There, now we got that out of the way, on the review! The Goonies Adventure Card Game was a successful Kickstarter campaign, and was Designed by Matt Riddle and Ben Pinchback and published by Albino […]
Carrotia Kickstarter Launches
We told you it was coming, and it’s here! The game is a tile-laying game for 1-6 players. The object of the game is to get the Master Rabbit from one side of the board to the other in a certain number of moves. Along the way, you’ll want to collect as […]