“Woe to you, oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the beast with wrath, Because he knows the time is short… Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast For it is a human number, Its number is Six hundred and sixty six.” Any metal head knows those lyrics, and […]
Syrinscape releases Official Gen Con Soundset
The Syrinscape Gen Con SoundSet transports attendees to the crowds and stalls of the legendary Gen Con Exhibit Hall, regales with cosplayers and character stories and unleashes a massive monster attack on the convention. Further, the new SoundSet includes the mighty roar of the official Gen Con dragon courtesy of 2015 attendee Simon Cantwell
iello Announces King of New York: Power Up! Expansion
Not only are we getting an King of Tokyo reprint, iello has also announced that the King of New York: Power Up expansion is on it’s way. Set for release in October the Power Up expansion will do the same to the King of New York characters as the Power Up expansion did in […]
Neverwinter Lands On PS4 July 19th
Perfect World Entertainment Inc., and Cryptic Studios announced that Neverwinter – the Dungeons & Dragons-based, free-to-play MMORPG – is coming to PlayStation®4 on July 19 The game will of course be completely free-to-play. Just like it is on the PC and the XBOXOne, PlayStation 4 players can get a head start exploring Neverw
Dungeon Time Kickstarter Launches From Ares Games
We told you it was coming, Ares games has launched (and funded) The Dungeon Time kickstarter. Dungeon Time is a real time, cooperative card game of exciting dungeon adventures and catastrophic failures. The game can be played in solitaire or cooperative mode, with simple core rules but challenging gameplay. The difficulty can be tailored [&h