I think it’s safe to say that writing was on the wall for some time, with promises not delivered, delayed updates, less than stellar reviews. Looks like Sword Coast Legends Developer has shut it’s doors. The word broke first from one of the Art directors via twitter https://twitter.com/Polygoblin/status/714883799075713024 Publis
KULT: Divinity Lost – Horror Roleplaying Game
I’m late to the party on this one. I have no idea how this missed my radar! Death is only the beginning… The infamous contemporary horror roleplaying game KULT is back, 25 years after its inception! What if I told you the world you know it is a lie? Nothing is as it’s seems. Mankind […]
Tarokka Deck Shipping This Week From Gale Force 9
If you want to take your Curse Of Strahd game to the next level, you need the Tarokka Deck. Gale Force 9 Have announced the deck will start shipping this week The mists have parted! Tarokka Decks arrived in our US warehouse & will ship this week! pic.twitter.com/mMtY4dMszp — Gale Force Nine (@GaleForceNine) […]
CoolMiniOrNot XenoShyft Now On Steam
CoolMiniOrNot is pleased to announce its critically-acclaimed, cooperative survival deckbuilding game XenoShyft is now available to purchase on Steam through the PC and Mac clients. In XenoShyft, one to four players each control a Division of the NorTec military, and only by working together can players ensure victory over The Hive and complete Nor
Quill: A Letter-Writing Roleplaying Game Review And Interview
We have all heard the saying “The pen is mightier than the sword” Well, now we can put that to the test. Quill: A Letter-Writing Roleplaying Game is a solo game, where you are tasked with writing a letter. Yes that is correct there is no combat involved, just your letter writing skills. In Quill, […]