Modiphius Entertainment, creators of award-winning roleplaying games like Achtung! Cthulhu and acclaimed table top and board games like Thunderbirds the 50th Anniversary co-op board game, is pleased to announce the Kickstarter for Robert E. Howard’s Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of roleplaying game has hit its initial goal of $65k fu
Make Money Scanning Your Old Titles
DriveThruRPG is looking to build it’s older library and they are willing to pay you help them do it! Our goal at DriveThruRPG has always been to support the RPG hobby by making every RPG title ever published available to RPG fans at a click. To that end, together with Wizards of the Coast, we have […]
More Boss Monster On The Way
Brotherwise Games is bringing us more Boss Monster. With two releases coming up over the next two months: The Boss Monster Collector Box and the Paper & Pixels reprint. Boss Monster Collector Box offers the same retro appeal of the card game, designed to look like a lunch box. The cardboard box is large […]
Boss Monster Card Game Review
I have admitted this before on this site and the podcast, but I’m a 70’s/80’s kid. I spent my childhood with pixels. From the Intellivision to the Atari 2600 and Nintendo NES. I played them all. In fact my first foyer into D&D was the Interllivision classic Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Cloudy Mountain Boss […
The Tomb of Horrors In 3D Be Afraid, Very Afraid
Josh Plunkett has made a complete 3d model of the Tomb Of Horrors. I know this Classic module is over 40 years old now,but I must give a SPOILER WARNING, so if you have never read or ran through the module you might want to skip this next part. Half the fun of the Tomb […]