There was post over on the Adventures League site, that details how the curse of strahd will be used in the season four of the AL. WPN Stores will receive a free PDF of Death House, a location based adventure that is designed to take 12-16 hours of in store play. This PDF can be […]
Hero Lab Debuts D&D 5E SRD
The wait is over! The #1 character management tool for RPGs now supports D&D® 5th Edition. Whether you’re a DM or player, it’s time to take your game to the next level! We did a pre release review of Hero Lab. But now you can check it out for yourself, as Lone Wolf Development sent […]
Hero Lab With DnD 5th Edition SRD Review
When WOTC announced they were bringing the SRD/OGL to 5E. That opened up the flood gates for everyone to include anything that was in the SRD into there products. One of the people that jumped on this and added support was Hero Lab. At it’s core Hero lab allows you to create characters for your […]
Last Friday Slasher Game Coming Soon
OK Admit how many of you started doing the Friday The 13th Music when you read that title. Ares Games and Pendragon Games have announced a deal to co-publish the slasher-flick inspired survival horror game Last Friday in August. Like the classic horror film Friday the 13th, this new board game is set at a summer […]
OD&D Dungeons & Dragons Original Edition (0e) Now On DnD Classics
Want to roll it old school? Well now you can! OD&D Dungeons & Dragons Original Edition (0e) is now available on DnDCalssics for 9.99 First published in January 1974, the original edition rules of Dungeons & Dragons would go on to see six different printings. This edition is for the Original Collector’s Edition released By [&hellip