The new rage it would seem is to do subscription boxes. There seems to be one for everyone. Pets, Geeks, Foodies, Makeup, You can now add the RPG Tabletop player to that list. The monthly “crate” will be launching soon. You can head over to the website and sign up to be keep in the […]
Gale Force 9 presents the Dracolich
The fine folks at Gale Force 9 has a new Dungeons & Dragons miniature – the Dracolich. The Figure retails for $90 and is from the D&D Collector’s Series, made of 14 pieces, and is limited to just 1,500 units. “Even as long-lived as they are, all dragons must eventually die. This thought doesn’t sit […]
Gen Con to Expand in to Lucas Oil Stadium in 2016
Gen Con continues to grow year after year and while the Indianapolis Convention Center is pretty huge, space was tight. The convention has announced that for 2016 they will be expanding in to events space location in Indianapolis’ Lucas Oil Stadium. The stadium, located adjacent to the Convention Center is the home for the Indianapolis […]
Classic Fantasy RPG Runequest Set To Return
Chaosium has announced a new printing of RuneQuest 2nd Edition in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the game’s setting of Glorantha in 2016. The game is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter RuneQuest is a classic fantasy-adventure RPG. It was first published in 1978, released at that year’s Origins Game Fair, where it sold out.
Winter Fantasy 40 Coming In Feb
Fort Wayne, Indiana, will play host to Winter Fantasy 40 Convention again February 3-7. Dungeon and Dragons and the Adventures League will have a big presence there this year, as in years past. Winter Fantasy continues to grow and offer more games, and we’re proud to be the best place to play Dungeons and Dragons […]