Gamehole Con III was held a few weeks ago. Everyone’s favorite Dungeon Master Chris Perkins held a seminar where he talked about a lot of things. They fine folks over at the Gaming and BS Podcast recorded it. The part I found most interesting is when he was asked about Future Story lines I can’t […]
Monster A Day PDF
Reddit, the name alone might strike fear in a lot of people. True there are some dark dark corners of it sure, but there are some bright spots one being the /r/monsteraday/ subreddit It’s an D&D subreddit that focus on making home brew monsters to move into your 5th edition game. They have released a […]
Play Dungeons And Dragons In Virtual Reality
Gather your friends! and your VR Headsets! It’s time to dungeon crawl. The market for virtual reality products is currently heating up. You have a choice of VR headsets due to hit stores in the coming year, including the Facebook-owned Oculus Rift, Sony’s Project Morpheus, and the Valve and HTC co-developed Vive. Also Microsoft, which [&hel
Wizards Hits Another Extra Life Goal
The fine folks over at WotC hit their $100K Extra Life charity funding goal, and have released the high resolution labeled map of the northwest portion of Faerün, from Amn to Icewind Dale, and the Moonshae Isles to the Dalelands. It’s pretty enormous – 10,200 by 6,600 pixels. That’s 141 x 91 inches. It should […]
Games Workshop To Open Specialist Design Studio
Not much is really known at this time, other than this vague posting provided by GW Basically, they’re going to be bringing back a lot of the fan-favorite side games that Games Workshop is known for. Games mentioned include Blood Bowl, Epic, Necromunda, and Battlefleet Gothic. Yeah, all the ones people have been clamoring for […]