Looks like the Munchkin universe just got a bit bigger. Steve Jackson Games has just released Munchkin Treasure Hunt Explore the Dungeon! Fighting monsters and collecting treasures! When you run out of Treasure cards, whoever has the most gold in their hand wins the game! Munchkin Treasure Hunt is a fun boardgame for up to […]
Want To Play Sword Coast Legends With Dungeon Master Chris Perkins?
Chris Perkins, Dungeon Master extraordinaire, invites you to join him in creating and playing in a custom campaign for D&D video game Sword Coast Legends. According to a post over on http://dnd.wizards.com. Chris Perkins, Dungeon Master for Acquisitions Inc. and principal story designer on the Dungeons & Dragons team, is gearing up to run s
Sword Coast Adventures Spoilers!
Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide hits preferred stores today, and everywhere else in a couple of weeks. It looks like a few stores might have decided to jump that date a bit. A poster over at the D&D SubReddit has it in his hands,and is sharing some information for all of us. Before you go any […]
You Can Now Play The Witch Hunter Class In your DnD Game
We posted about Vin Diesel playing with the Nerdist/Geek & Sundry crew a few weekends ago. He was playing a custom class called the Witch Hunter, designed for him by DM Matt Mercer. Geek & Sundry has released the class as a nine-page PDF, so you too can play the Witch Hunter! Find the PDF […]
Watch Vin Diesel Play Dungeons And Dragons As The Last Witch Hunter
We told you that Vin Diesel recently played some D&D with the folks over at Geek & Sundry and The Nerdiest. And it was recorded. They have released 2 version for our viewing pleasure. The 1rst is a condensed “Highlight Reel” version that runs 4:50 Or you can watch the full play session running 29:45 […]