November will see the next Dungeons & Dragons release from Wizards of the Coast. Drawn directly from the Magic: The Gathering game line, Strixhaven – A Curriculum of Chaos will provide not only a world setting but will also a multiyear adventure campaign. The hardcover will be available with a standard art cover or […]
Dungeons & Dragons: Efreeti Premium Statue
WizKids unveiled Dungeons & Dragons: Efreeti Premium Statue for release into retail in November. One of the most iconic images in all of Dungeons & Dragons is the cover art of the Dungeon Master’s Guide 1E by David C. Sutherland. It depicts a menacing efreeti staring down a wizard and a knight […]
Gen Con 2021 Exhibit Hall Map Released
Today, for the first time, you can begin your exploration of the Gen Con 2021 Exhibit Hall through official convention maps. You can view the downloadable PDF document. Convenient to print and a handy web bookmark, this map is a great way to begin your Gen Con 2019 planning. 62 days […]
Sun King Brewery Brings Back Genevieve For Gen Con 2021
Every summer, thousands of gamers from all over the globe flock to Indianapolis to take part in Gen Con. And every summer, Sun King brews a beer in tribute to the event! By popular demand, we are bringing back Genevieve! Genevieve is a Belgian/Abbey-Style Amber Ale with malty sweetness and a fruity, sweet, […]
Fantasy Flight Games Announce Spreading War Expansion For Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth
The second major expansion for the adventure board game The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth will have you traveling the kingdoms of Gondor and Rohan to defeat invading mercenary forces. The big-box expansion includes 15 scenarios that will have you defending the tainted depths of Fangorn Forest and the ruins of […]