Stop me if you have heard this one before. The Game Manufacturers Association will not hold GAMA Expo, its annual trade show, in Reno next March due to COVID-19 concerns, the organization announced. The 2020 show was held as the coronavirus was starting to take hold in the U.S. And is one […]
Hasbro Developing A Live Action D&D TV Show
Looks some D&D is coming to the TV screen soon! This announcement was dropped during the latest Hasbro quarterly investor call for Q3 2020. Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner himself stated that the company is “working on a couple of different approaches” to produce the series, and is putting together a team from […]
Time Magazine 100 Best Fantasy Books Of All Time List
Time magazine has released a list of the “100 Best Fantasy Books of All Time“, curated by Time editors and a panel of authors consisting of Tomi Adeyemi, Cassandra Clare, Diana Gabaldon, Neil Gaiman, N.K. Jemisin, Marlon James, George R.R. Martin, and Sabaa Tahir. The list is presented in chronological order, starting with 9th-
Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC) Humble Bundle
Stop what you are doing right now, and go to the Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC) Humble Bundle and buy it now. This is a CRAZY good deal. There is a TON of material here to be had for an unheard of price! As always there are 3 tiers for your support and […]
Descent: Legends Of The Dark Announced By Fantasy Flight Games
It was teased, we know something was coming and now we have the details. Descent: Legends of the Dark has been revealed as an app-powered dungeon-crawler with dozens of miniatures and HeroQuest-style 3D terrain in with a very big box, and a scary hefty price tag to match the big box. […]