Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Mummy’s Mask Out Now From Paizo

Beyond DDOCard GamesMummy's MaskPathfinderPathfinder Adventure Card GameTabletop Games

  On the Threshold of Discovery! The ancient lands of Osirion are blanketed by the sands of time, and eldritch secrets and vast riches lie just beneath the sun-blistered surface. As modern Osirion opens its tombs to outsiders for the first time in centuries, many of these lost treasures and secrets are now emerging—some more […]

Pathfinder Adventures Adventure Deck 4 Out Now From Obsidian Entertainment

Beyond DDOPathfinderPathfinder Adventure Card Game

  Pathfinder Adventures on iOS and Android phones, Obsidian Entertainment is very happy to announce that Adventure Deck 4, “Fortress of the Stone Giants,” is now available on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Continuing the adventure of the Rise of the Runelords campaign, your party will return to the coastal town […]

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Mummy’s Mask Coming This Fall

Beyond DDOMummy's MaskPathfinderPathfinder Adventure Card Game

Paizo Inc., publisher of the wildly popular Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, announces today the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Mummy’s Mask, the latest edition of the award-winning strategy card game, has been scheduled for an October 2016 release. Heroes will brave terrible guardians, foul cults, and the burning sands of the desert to stop the rebir