UPDATE! – The Book And PDF Are Now Available For Pre Order! We told you that the Critical Role: Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Book, was due to be release this summer at Gen Con 50, Green Ronin has laid a bit more of the plan, for those that are wondering how it will work. The […]
Star Trek Adventures RPG Borg Cube Set
The Star Trek RPG Is coming later this year, we talked with Chris Birch from Modiphius about the project, in case you missed it. For those that consider themselves BIG Trekkies, This will be a must have addition to your collection then, Star Trek Adventures RPG Limited Edition Borg Cube Boxed Set […]
AD&D 1e Core Books Mega Bundle Sale Over At RPGNow – 8 PDF Books
Looking to get some old school d&d gaming in over the long holiday weekend? RPGNow has a Bundle of eight AD&D 1e Core books in PDF on sale for – $14.95 Here’s what you get: Player’s Handbook Dungeon Master’s Guide Monster Manual Monster Manual II Fiend Folio Oriental Adventures Dungeoneer’s
A New Edition Of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay On The Way
A new edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay will be launched by Cubicle 7 Entertainment later this year. The new edition will return players to Warhammer’s grim world of perilous adventure, and takes its direction from the first and second editions of the game. “Like so many gamers I grew up on Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. [&helli
Pathfinder Role playing Game: Bestiary 6 Review
The 320-page hardbound book “Bestiary 6” for the Pathfinder role-playing game (RPG) by Paizo Publishing. Is the sixth release in the much beloved bestiary series and it brings us more than 200 monsters to the tabletop Pathfinder RPG. Monsters are at the core of any fantasy role-playing game. Heroes need something to fight