This review only covers the Solitaire version of the game. Dungeon Crawler supports a total of four different formats of play. These are Solitaire, Competitive (2-players), Co-operative (2-4 players), and Multi-player (3 -6 players). Dungeon Crawler is a well a Dungeon Crawl, it’s you and against the dungeon. You will do that with the [&hell
Doctor Who Fluxx Coming From Looney Labs
Things are about to get all Timey-Wimey for Looney Labs as the tardis is about to land. The game will include various regenerations of the Doctor, assorted companions, Gallifreyan tech, K-9, Cybermen, Daleks, Weeping Angels, and the Master. Players adventure through Time and Space in this unique spin on the card game […]
Drinking Fluxx Review
Drinking Fluxx comes to us from Fully Baked Ideas, an imprint of Looney Labs, takes the classic Fluxx Which is the card game with ever-changing rules into new territory. Geared towards 2-6 players adults 21 and over of course! Please drink responsibly! In drinking Fluxx you drink, but not to excess, Drinking […]
Catalyst Game Labs To Release Master Of Orion Tabletop Games
The original Master of Orion (MoO) computer game released in 1993, creating the 4X video game genre and capturing the attention of strategy loving gamers for over 30 years. The Master of Orion series has been featured on numerous “greatest games of all time” lists; several retrospective reviews from such established gaming media sites [&hell
Dragonfire Releasing At Gen Con 50
Heading to Gen Con 50 next week? If so you might be in luck if you were hoping to buy Dragonfire, Catalyst Games has announced they will have Dragonfire at the show for purchase. Dragonfire is a 2 to 6 player deckbuilding game set in the world’s greatest roleplaying game, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. Players […]