The Munchkin train just keep rolling along the tracks, Steve Jackson Games have announced a new version of the game. Munchkin Grimm Tidings, will be exclusive to Walgreens drug stores. The fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm are full of magic, deception, and violence. Sounds perfect for Munchkin! Iconic baddies [
DDO Players Reviews The Goonies Adventure Card Game
Before I get to the review, you will have to do the “Truffle Shuffle” There, now we got that out of the way, on the review! The Goonies Adventure Card Game was a successful Kickstarter campaign, and was Designed by Matt Riddle and Ben Pinchback and published by Albino […]
Vale Of Magic Expansion Coming From Alderac Entertainment Group
Alderac Entertainment Group has more card crafting in store for us, as they will release Vale of Magic in October, the first expansion for its Mystic Vale card game. The new expansion set adds new playing options in the form of “arcane magic” cards to the game. These cards use a different […]
DDO Players – Mystic Vale Review
Mystic Vale comes to us from Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG) On the surface it’s a Deck Building game, but like an onion (Side note I hate onions) it has many layers, This is a new what AEG calls “Card Crafting” game. So what’s this about? Let’s peel away those layers. Game Play To […]
DDO Players – Battle Monkeys Review
It’s time to find out which monkey will reign supreme, it’s time to Battle! Monkey style! Gameplay Players build their “Army” of 4 soldiers that are used to both attack enemies and defend their general. Soldiers are placed face up in front of each player and have varying power levels. On your turn, […]