There will be three character packs available in the Supernatural release. Pack #3 is a pre-order exclusive at The Winchesters are Humanity’s Best Hope to Stop the Zombie Hordes! Demons, devils, and other supernatural creatures are intent on destroying humankind. How appropriate is it then that the zombies managed to it? If
Monty Python’s Flying Circus Coming To Zombicide 2E
CMON announced Monty Python’s Flying Circus – Zombicide 2E, a new board game expansion, which will arrive in April 2024. Monty Python is coming to inject some wackiness into the game with this expansion featuring the elements of the classic TV show by the legendary English comedy troupe. The set revisits some of the […]
HeroQuest Rise of the Dread Moon Quest Pack
The classic dungeon crawl HeroQuest is getting its first original expansion in over 20 years! Gen Con attendees will be able to purchase limited quantities of this expansion and more at the Avalon Hill booth, or you can preorder from Avalon Hill. The dramatic story of treachery and unrest in the elven kingdom continues […]
Para Bellum Announces Calvary Unit and Companion App For Conquest
Para Bellum has announced the Order of the Ashen Dawn, a heavy cavalry order for Conquest, on May 26. The Premium Cavalry Regiment Set will include three plastic miniatures, three sets of cavalry bases and stands, and three command cards. Rules will allow for fast movement across the field, and the ability to break […]
The first expansion is Midnight Storm, which features the ninja master Storm Shadow as a boss. It also allows players to play new JOE heroes Jinx and Mutt/Junkyard. The game box comes with 2 Hero figures, 2 Character cards, 12 Foot Soldier figures, 10 Foot Soldier Enemy cards, 2 Lieutenant figures, 2 Lieutenant Deployment […]