One of the big shocks at Gen Con 2022 was Avalon Hill dropping the bombshell news of Heroscape coming back. Heroscape, the beloved hex-based battle game, is coming back with a brand-new starter set. Titled Heroscape: Age of Annihilation, the set will include a massive red dragon as well as a rogues gallery […]
Gen Con 2022 Attendance Numbers Are In!
Gen Con 2022 is over and was a resounding success, attracting over 50,000 attendees for its 55th edition. We were there! And our videos will be coming very soon! Gen Con, North America’s largest and longest-running table gaming convention, returned to Indy August 4-7, drawing a one-time attendance of more than […]
Top 8 Most Anticipated Games Gen Con 2022
Welcome to the End of July! As of this posting, we have a short 10 days to Gen Con 2022! This is the 55th anniversary. Our coverage of Gen Con is shaping up well. I have over 8 interviews scheduled with game companies, plus I plan to stop by many other booths and do interviews, […]
Gen Con Updates Us With The July 2022 Health and Safety Update
Gen Con has updated safety protocols once again. They lay it all out in a new update over on the blog. These are the final and confirmed plans for health and safety requirements to attend Gen Con Indy 2022. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Gen Con requires every participant, including attendees, exhibitors, event organizers, guests, [&hellip
Gen Con Updates Us With The May Health and Safety Update
Gen Con has updated safety protocols once again. They lay it all out in a new update over on the blog. Back when we started bringing Gen Con Indy back to life post-lockdown we emphasized two key principles: consistency and communication. Consistency means minimizing changes to plans and policy, and communication means […