The land of Barovia awaits those, that were waiting for the newest expansion to land in the DDO Store. Race: Aasimar 1395 Mists of Ravenloft Expansion Content: 2495 Scourge of the Undead Iconic: 1295 You can still spend your real-world money and purchase the pack and get all the extra goodies […]
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #65
It’s been quite awhile, since we had a screenshot of the week! We just so happened to receive a email from Bonnie Bew with a amazing screenshot attached, Bonnie says, I was stunned and amazed that I actually took a screenshot in DDO that wasn’t blurry or had my thumb in it, so […]
DDO Players News Episode 185 – Pineleaf Saw The Movie
Patrick from DDOCast joins us this week, we talk about Ravenloft, The Strhad Raid, Sentient Weapons, Festivult and more! Baba Yaga Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Celtic Impulse Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Com
DDO Players Interview With Voice Actor Ally Murphy
We have a chat with Ally Murphy voice actor. Ally just did some work for Dungeons & Dragons Online Ravenloft Expansion. Sentient Weapon Resolute Ireena/Tatyana Dungeon Master "Death House" "Sunrise."
Downtime Notice: Saturday, 7:00am-11:00am Eastern
Community Manager Cordovan posted on the forums about some upcoming downtime The DDO game worlds will be unavailable on Saturday, 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT) for a hotfix. This hotfix is being actively worked on, so there is some chance the hotfix will be postponed. Here are the things […]