The world is changed. I feel it in dungeons. I feel it in the raids. I smell it on my keyboard. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it…it being pre-update 14 end game. So let’s go back a few years when epic was epic and healers were needed. How […]
DDO Store Sales: August 14th – 20th
Free Sample of The Week August 14th – 20th Bracelet of Friends Use Coupon Code BCFFS 1/Account Astral Shards 195-5,395156-4,316 Drac Says – Not sure if I spend money on these, but to each there own Guild Renown Elixirs 75-9,85060-7,880 Drac Says – Anything that helps the grind! Guild Charter 150 75 […]
Level 30 Expanded
In the past when character level cap increased it coincided with an expansion. Update 14, DDO’s first expansion, increased level cap to 25 and introduced us to Epic levels. In Update 19 the level cap increased again to 28. Looking forward towards the year’s end and the promise of level 30, there’s no announcement of […]
Update 27 Patch 1 Release Notes
The release notes for today’s patch are now available to read. Crafting Storage: Crafting from Shared Bank – Crafting Storage is once again available. Cannith Crafting Item Deconstruction essences will no longer be consumed without benefit when pulled from Shared Bank – Crafting Storage. DDO Store: Fixed an issue that could
DDO Players News Episode 45 MommyBot
This week we are joined by Geek Mom, from Confessions of a Geek Mom Blog! We hear about her adventures with her daughter in DDO. In news outside of DDO, Sword Coast Legends get's a delay and Titansgrave has a very powerful 2nd to last episode of season 1.