As promised, the Release notes for today’s patch are here. Here is a brief run down of the “Highlights” Enhancements Rogue Mechanic’s Leg Shot no longer requires level 12. Druid and Artificer pet enhancements can once again be trained. Feats The Coin Lords have had a word with Fred, who is once again providing respec [&helli
Downtime Notice: Friday, April 10th
Cordovan announced some upcoming downtime on the forums: The DDO Game Servers will be brought down on Friday, April 10th from 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM Eastern (-4 GMT) for an update to the game. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon! Patch notes will be […]
DDO Store Sales: April 10th – April 16th
Free Sample Of The Week April 10th – April 16th Greater Elixir of Angel’s Tears Use Coupon Code CURE10 1/Account Harper Agent Enhancement Tree 495 371 Drac Says – Good to see this on sale if you want to try out that tree. Ability Stat Tomes 295-4,795 221-3,596 Drac Says – If you […]
DDO Players News Episode 27 – Wheaton!!!!!!
We talk about the extended downtime during the Update 25 patch. We also cover the release notes. We discuss the news that surprised everyone, that Wil Wheaton is the DM voice for Temple. Outside of DDO, we learn a group of Washington state senators are trying to woo Gen Con away from Indy. We hear about Drac's frustration with a his party not dying
First 48: Temple of Elemental Evil
So after a gruesome wait yesterday I finally logged on today to run Temple of Elemental Evil. I ran it for exactly 48 minutes so I could get a look at it and see what the development team at Turbine brought to the plate. So lets dive into this head first. Wil Wheaton So first […]