Pineleaf and Dracueltta are joined by special guest Community Manger Cordovan this week! We talked about a thread in the forums, asking if the Forgotten Realms storyline was dead. We also talked about a recent law signed in Indiana, that has lead Gen Con to send a letter, and consider moving the convention out of state. Cordovan took some question
DDO Players News Episode 25 The Temple Of Elemental Coffee
We had all 3 of the Damsels of DDO with us this week. So Hi-jinx did ensue. We managed to talk about Update 25 on Lamannia. We found out Drac has guilty pleasure in the DDO Store. We also learn how Lessah volunteered Drac to help with a college paper. We also hear about what happened when the Damsels played Minecraft?
DDO Players News Special #2 Coming Up! A Chat With Cordovan Monday March 30th
We will be having a special edition of the DDO Players News podcast! Next Monday night March 30th at 8:30PM EST Community Manager Cordovan will be joining us LIVE. He has agreed to take and answer (If he can answer of course) questions from the community. So if you have anything you would like […]
DDO Players News Episode 24 : The McRib Of DDO
With not much game news this week. Pineleaf and Draculetta have a chat about the possibility of "Killer Dm Mode" And if we would want it. In 5E news, we talk about Elemental Evil Player’s Companion that has been recently released. Also, Pineleaf get's very confused over the McRib!
DDO Players News Episode 23 : Run Of Doom
Pineleaf and Draculetta talk more about the potential changes for Rogue - Assassin Changes and Rogue - Thief-Acrobat. Pineleaf is shocked to find something out about Drac's play-style in the process! Pineleaf laments his distaste for jumping again. and we chat about the Silver flame pendant, as a listener writes in and gives us step by step on how