This week we talk about some of the rewards that might be added to Monster Champions. We also talk about the new DnD Computer Game "Sword Coast Legends" that was announced this week.
DDO Players News Episode 19: Drac’s School Of Dungeon Mastering
This week we talked about Lag, and what Turbine is doing about it. Also some news on the Warlock and Gnome question is brought up again, And Drac finds his perfect shirt to wear while he is killing his party, er dm'ing!
DDO Players News Episode 18 Nothing Beats Bacon!
This week we talk about the recent hotfix. We also cover the latest 5E news, and hear about Winter Fantasy an upcoming convention Drac will be attending and covering for the website.
DDO Players News Episodes 12-17 Bloopers
Sometimes the before and after show talk can get rather funny. We did not want to just throw it out! And for those that did not know, we always put any outtakes we have after the mp3 version of the podcast!
DDO Players News Episode 17 Ghola-Fan Stalker!
We cover the Risia Ice Games. We have the official information on Temple of Elemental Evil Storyline And products for 5E. And we also think we have a stalker!