Make plans to join us this Friday November 21st at 3:30pm EST as we will have a special live broadcast featuring Community Manager Cordovan! You will be able to ask him any questions that you have! If he is able to talk/answer them, he will. So if you have any questions you would us […]
DDO Players News Episode 7: Setting Kobolds On Fire
With the lack of game news this week, Pineleaf and Drac talk about some D&D5E news! And of course we what did this week, Spoiler - Drac sat Kobold's on Fire!
DDO Players News Episode 6: The Crafting Gauntlet Has Been Thrown
Episode 6: The Crafting Gauntlet Has Been Thrown This week we are joined by Lessah from DDO Cocktail Hour, she talks about Permadeath and Some New Player Tips! Also we hear about the death of another PD Pineleaf char! Also Lessah throws down the Gauntlet To Drac!
DDO Players News Episode 5: Lollipops and Rainbows
DDO Players News Episode 5: Lollipops and Rainbows - This week we talk about Update 23 Patch 1, And learn the difference in Drac's Dm'ing Vs Pineleaf's!
DDO Players News Episode 4: Yarr!! Pirate Booty!
DDO Players News Episode 4: Yarr! Pirate Booty! This week we talk about the pirate themed Crystal Cove event. Also we learn of Pineleaf's untimely death of his 1rst permadeath character!