1500 – The New World is from Dan Verssen Games, historical exploration game. It’s basically an area control game, think Risk with cards, you are trying to control the world! This game will be about exploring the ‘New World’ in 1500 and establish colonies. You then expand those colonies and collect victory [&he
Kaiju Crush Review
Kaiju Crush is giant monsters smashing city buildings and fighting each other. Monsters are trying to get more territory than the other players. They will claim more points. The game is for 2 – 4 players and plays in about 45 minutes. Game Set Up Each player takes one of four unique […]
Dragon Pets Review
Dragon Pet is a fast fun game for the whole family. It is for 2-4 players. In this game you will take on the role of Dragon Breeders during the 1783rd annual dragon breeding competition. You will be searching for dragons to mate with, Each time you do this, you’ll earn gold […]
Wakening Lair Review
Wakening Lair is the latest game from Rather Dashing Games, it’s a fast-paced dungeon crawler that finds you attempting to traverse a 12 room dungeon and stopping the boss from waking up and leaving the dungeon. Wakening Lair plays 2-6 players, in 30-40 mins. Rules and Setup: Setup: This one has a […]
Dracula’s America: Shadows of the West: Hunting Grounds Review
The first supplement in the Dracula’s America series, Hunting Grounds expands upon the Weird West background found in the core rule-book, adding two new Factions, additional character types, new weapons, optional rules and a whole new aspect of the alternate American West. The new stuff you will find in the supplement : [