If you have a screen shot that you would like to see featured on the site, send it to podcast@ddoplayers.com This weeks screen shot comes to us from Grim Grimorde. Hymm & Willowing brave Splinterskull *click for full size*
DDO Players News Episode 27 – Wheaton!!!!!!
We talk about the extended downtime during the Update 25 patch. We also cover the release notes. We discuss the news that surprised everyone, that Wil Wheaton is the DM voice for Temple. Outside of DDO, we learn a group of Washington state senators are trying to woo Gen Con away from Indy. We hear about Drac's frustration with a his party not dying
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #15
This weeks screen shot comes to us from MokTask. I typically play on a laptop with LOTS of the eye candy turned off, and was really set aback when I booted a much more powerful PC and cranked up some settings to actually see how nice the harbor actually looks, notably during a nice Sunrise […]
DDO Players News Episode 26 : A Chat With Cordovan Part Duex
Pineleaf and Dracueltta are joined by special guest Community Manger Cordovan this week! We talked about a thread in the forums, asking if the Forgotten Realms storyline was dead. We also talked about a recent law signed in Indiana, that has lead Gen Con to send a letter, and consider moving the convention out of state. Cordovan took some question
DDO Players Screenshot Of The Week #14
If you have a screenshot that you would like to see featured email it to podcast@ddoplayers.com Drac fights with an angry owl-bear. *Click for full size*