Drac And Pine venture on with more Sharn quests. And manage to meet a very annoying goblin in the process
Sharn Heaven & Hell Episode 1 – “Have You Met Me?”
Drac Is joined by Pineleaf as we kick off our play through series of DDO Masterminds Of Sharn. Note – I’m streaming this show, this was from the record of that, had some tech issues at the very start… Show starts about 4 minutes in, Sorry about that!
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #67
It’s been awhile since we had a screenshot! We got a submission in this week Kerkos on Orien waiting for the Strahd raid to start. It was a nice cozy nap on the owlbear rug in front of the fire.
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #66
It’s been awhile since we’ve had a screen shot of the week! BonnieBew has some goals in this weeks shot For all you adventurers out there thinking of redecorating your airship or lair, have you considered adding Gothic bookshelves? Count Strahd von Zarovich certainly has! Straight from the pages of Barovian Architectural D
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #65
It’s been quite awhile, since we had a screenshot of the week! We just so happened to receive a email from Bonnie Bew with a amazing screenshot attached, Bonnie says, I was stunned and amazed that I actually took a screenshot in DDO that wasn’t blurry or had my thumb in it, so […]