A look at the different character options available for the upcoming Aasimar. And the standard warning applies here :
First Look At Mimic Festival Rewards
We take a look at the rewards for the Mimic Festival. As of this posting, there is NO time frame for when the festival will hit live. And this goes without saying but
Update 36 On Lamannia Mines of Tethyamar Preview
Drac has a look at the new public area coming with Update 36. This goes without saying of course, If you want to be surprised when this goes live, don’t watch!
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #64
This weeks screen shot comes from to us from Brac Barefeet “Just look at that face!” *Click For Full Size*
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #63
Drac’s gnome hopes the smile on this dragon is a good thing. *Click for full size* If you have a screen shot you would like to see on the site, send it to podcast AT ddoplayers.com