This weeks screen shot comes to us from Musky Elon Payday! If you have a screen shot you would like to see on the site, send it to podcast AT
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #60
This weeks screen shot comes to us from Musky Elon Chichimama takes down her second black dragon If you have a screen shot you would like to see featured on the site, send it to podcast AT
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #59
This week, we bring the Dragon, in Dungeons & Dragons Online Drac’s Gnome prepares to face Velah The Red Dragon *Click For Full Size* If you have a screen shot you would like to see featured on the site send it to us! podcast @
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #58
Drac’s Ranger stumbles upon a Dragon in the King’s Forrest *Click For Full Size* If you have a screen shot you would like to see featured on the site, send it to, inlcude your Char name and slight sentence describing the shot.
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #57
Brac Barefeet sends in this weeks screen shot. Took a break from hunting the undead in Delera’s Graveyard, and captured this spooky shot *Click For Full Size* If you have a screen shot you would like to see featured on the site, send it