If you have a screenshot that you would like to see on the site, send it along with a caption and your character name to podcast@ddoplayers.com This weeks screen shot comes to us from Brac Barefeet Brac Barefeet takes a break from all that dungeon crawling *Click For Full Size*
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #50
If you have a screenshot that you would like to see on the site, send it along with a caption and your character name to podcast@ddoplayers.com Drac mourns the loss of a good coffin *Click For Full Size*
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #49
This weeks screen shot comes to us by Brian. He says Seekn watching the sun set on Three Barrel Cove. Keep up the fun in the pod cast! Brian If you would like to see your screen shot on the site, send them to podcast@ddoplayers.com
DDO Players Screenshot Of The Week #48
This weeks screenshot of the week comes to us from Grimaldius of Ghallanda My warlock Grimadius hanging out with the dragons in the 10th anniversary dungeon He also adds I’m guild leader of “the heroes of D&D” (a adult guild of no nonsense/no drama players) on Ghallanda. I’ve been playing sense 07. I’m also
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #47
This weeks screen shot comes to use from Brian Kerkos ready to take on the Storm Reaver. *Click for full size* If you have a screen shot you would like to see featured on our site, send it with your char name and small blurb to podcast@ddoplayers.com