If you have a screenshot you would like us to feature email it to podcast@ddoplayers.com This weeks screen shot comes to us from Erdique of Erdrique’s Blog Erdrique takes a stroll through the vastness of the Menechtarun Desert!! *Click picture for full size*
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #2
If you have a screenshot you would like us to feature email it to podcast@ddoplayers.com A haunting moon, and pirate ship! Screenshot taken by – Draculetta *Click picture for full size*
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #1
This is the start of something new here at DDO Players! We will post a new screen shot every Saturday morning. It could be a screen shot from one of us here on the site, or it could be YOURS! If you have a screen shot you would like to see featured send it to […]
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