Wizards of the Coast has partnered with Humble in a new humble bundle. The collection of 23 fantasy novels set in the D&D universe. “Read the Realms” bundle, and will be available until May 13. Most of the books are part of the New York Times best-selling fantasy series, The Legend of […]
DDO Players News Episode 259 – Wait, We Are Stuck In Barovia!
Not a lot of DDO news this week's folks, we do talk about the chronicle though, outside DDO more conventions falls to COVID-19 and more!
A sad day for us in the geek culture world. The organizers of San Diego Comic-Con and WonderCon, have canceled both shows for 2020 and plan to return in 2021, the organization said in an announcement today. “Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures and while we are saddened to take this action, we […]
Trivial Pursuit: Horror Ultimate Edition
Do you think you are the biggest fan horror has seen since the beginning of time? Do you know every horror icon inside out? Could your knowledge put the greats to shame? Well, now you’ll be able to truly test that when Trivial Pursuit: Horror Ultimate Edition releases later this year. Players […]
CMON Suspends Trading And Delays Annual Report
CMON might have Kickstarter that are mega-successful, but things are all not well within the company so it would seem. Trading in the stock of game publisher CMON Limited on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange was suspended on April 1, after the company warned of audit issues and said it would delay […]