Goodman Games have announced the new “Original Adventures Reincarnated” title. Intended for levels 3 through 7, Castle Amber was the adventure that launched the Mystara campaign setting and was the second adventure for the D&D Expert Set. They fled from the far-flung land of Averoigne: the Amber family, a
DDO Players News Episode 255 – Munchkin Is The New Monopoly
This week we cover the Chronicle, There will be more Lord of the Rings RPGS, and How is Covid-19 ( Coronavirus) effecting the game industry.
CMoN Expo 2020 Canceled Due To Coronavirus Fears
The Coronavirus strain COVID-19 has impacted the tabletop game convention scene yet again. Cool Mini or Not Expo, held every May, has been canceled for 2020. CMoN, itself an international company based in Hong Kong, made the following statement: “This year, we had a very difficult decision to make. The Coronavirus pandemic [&he
Free League Publishing Signs Deal to Publish RPGs In Tolkien’s Middle-Earth
Awhile back, we told you that Cubicle 7 lost the Middle Earth License. We have some great news if you’re a fan of RPG Set in Tolkien’s Middle-Earth. Free League Publishing today announced a partnership with Sophisticated Games to publish tabletop roleplaying games set in Middle-earth and based on the books by J.R.R. Tolkien. [&h
Munchkin: Critical Role Coming From The OP
The OP have announced a licensing agreement to combine Critical Role, a story-driven and world-building digital media brand, with Steve Jackson Games’ card game “Munchkin.” “We couldn’t be more excited to release this game to fans of Critical Role and ‘Munchkin’ and meet an ever-growing demand for both franchises,” Heather Camp