D&D is coming up on the 45th anniversary, and Fifth edition is on their 6 Year, so WTOC is releasing a limited edition set of dice, not just any dice mind you, these have Sapphire in them, and they will run you cool $300… Yes, THREE HUNDRED US DOLLARS… you read that correctly. […]
Fallout Shelter: The Board Game Coming From Fantasy Flight
The bombs have fallen, but under 2,000 feet of bedrock your Vault-Tec Vault is a thriving and joyous community—at least until the untimely death of your Overseer. Now, it’s up to you and your fellow officers to keep your Vault Dwellers safe, productive, and happy. Compete with the other players to see who can […]
Vampironica: New Blood First Look At New Comic Series
BRAND NEW SERIES! Riverdale’s own bombshell bloodsucker is back! Following the events of the Jughead the Hunger vs. Vampironica crossover, Veronica returns to her own universe, still a vampire. She’s not the same, and she knows it. And now she needs answers. But she may not be ready for what she’s about to discover! […]
IELLO announced King of Tokyo: Dark Edition, which will be coming in the first quarter of 2020. The classic tabletop brawl will get an all-new look, upgraded components, and a new gameplay mechanic. King of Tokyo: DARK EDITION will be a limited edition product with only ONE print run. This showcase piece for your board game collection [&hell
DDO Players News Episode 242 Matchbox, Magic & Coloring Books
This week we talk Chronicle, The Toy Hall Of Fame and More!