Halloween is around the corner, Goodman Games will offer the first two titles in its new Dungeon Crawl Classics Horror line: Creep, Skrag, Creep! and The Sinister Sutures of the Sempstress, both releasing in early October. The new series of adventures adds a terror-themed twist to the Dungeon Crawl Classics retro-style role playing game, [
DDO Players News Episode 236 – Hardcore Dying
This week, we cover the release notes for Update 43 The Soul Splitter. and talk about Funko Pops and D&D Dice!
DDO Players First Look & Unboxing Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus Dice Set
We take a first look and unbox the upcoming Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus Dice Set… Thanks to WOTC (Wizard’s Of The Coast) for sending over the review dice set! Buy your set on Amazon today for September 17th Delivery!
Dungeons & Dragons Funko Pops On The Way
Funko and Wizards of the Coast have finally partnered up to deliver the Dungeons & Dragons Pop figure line. That we did not even know we needed. The first wave includes Asmodeus aka The Lord of the Nine Hells, the good ranger Minsc and his “miniature giant space hamster” companion Boo, and a Mind […]
The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game Available Now On Steam
The first adventure card game set in the quintessential fantasy world of J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game lets players face epic challenges during solo and cooperative adventures. The game is inspired by the cooperative Living Card Game®, The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. Combining a strong immersive […]