If you have been on the fence about jumping into Adventures In Middle-earth, now is a GREAT time to go all in, the good folks over at DriveThruRPG have a bundle up that will get you up and running. This special bundle product contains the following titles. Adventures […]
Eriador Adventures Now Available in PDF for Adventures in Middle-earth
We told you it was available for pre-order in hardcover, but if you want to get your hands on the PDF you can head over to DriveThruRPG and pick it up today! Children kidnapped in the night, unusually cunning Trolls, a mysterious caravan, the fate of a company of Hobbits, the legacy […]
Gen Con to Collaborate with Smoking Goose to Create Artisan Meat Products
Gen Con, the largest and longest-running gaming convention in North America, has reached an agreement with Indianapolis’ Smoking Goose Meatery to collaborate on products specifically designed for hungry gamers. Launching with two all-new artisan meat products in June 2018, DRAGON FIRE BACON and EPIC LEVEL ANDOUILLE, this collaboration will f
DDO Players News Episode 180 – Color With Cthulhu!
Another week of no DDO News. So this is a pretty Tabletop centric episode..We talk about the Spiel des Jahres Award Nominees and the Origin Awards Nominees!
Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes Available Now on Fantasy Grounds
One of the most powerful wizards in the Dungeons & Dragons multiverse shares some of his hard-won knowledge with fans in a new book full of lore and monsters for D&D fifth edition. Mordenkainen hails from the City of Greyhawk, but over the eons he has expanded his mastery of the major conflicts in […]