If you want to squeeze some good old school 80’s into your D&D 5E, this Kickstarter is just for you! I mean, how does not want some Pizza slimes? and Nuclear Elementals? And Lasers, man FREAKING LASERS! An exciting new 5E universe from Lasers & Liches! It resides in a place of […]
Battlestar Galactica – Starship Battles Miniature Game
Ares Games will publish and distribute worldwide a starship combat miniature game based on the Battlestar Galactica™ TV series, including both the “Classical” and “Reimagined” settings. Created by the same designers of the popular “Wings of Glory” and “Sails of Glory” game systems (Andrea Angiolino and Andrea Mainini), the Batt
Kick-Ass The Board Game Coming From CMON
CMON has some plans to bring Kick-Ass to the world of board games. Based on Mark Millar’s comic series, Kick-Ass: The Board Game will place up to four players in the roles of vigilantes looking to clean the streets of New York while also trying to keep their private lives from spiraling out of […]
Marvel HeroClix: Secret Wars
The HeroClix world is getting a bit bigger with a new set coming out based on the Marvel Comics epic crossover event in October. Look for new versions of the Avengers, Runaways and Captain America (featuring the Shifting Focus trait). Weirdworld will include Arkon the Magnificent, Man-Things, Witch Queen Le Fay, and […]
DDO Players News Episode 174 – Breaking Lore, Alot
We talk about Update 38: Disciples of Rage, Drac struggles to get through the chronicle and we break Tolkien lore?