Still playing with that boring old deck of cards? That’s so last year! Printed by The United States Playing Card Company (USPC), the industry’s top manufacturer of playing cards, FACTIONS is a beautifully illustrated and designed deck of 56 playing cards, featuring iconic images of characters and suits themed to a w
DDO Players News Episode 118 – Something Fun Is Chocolates?
On the show this week, we found out what "Something Fun Is!"
Critical Role: Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Book Releasing Gen Con 50
For those that are waiting for the Critical Role: Tal’Dorei Campaing setting book written for D&D 5E, You better be at Gen Con 50 In Aug. In laying out the plans for the year , Chris Pramas said I’m going to make an exception and discuss one Summer release because I know […]
How To Party After The Golden Globes? Settlers Of Catan
So, your 2 big Hollywood stars, your attending one of the first awards of the year, walking the red carpet, and you get asked about your glamorous plans for an after party? And you say “We’re going to play Settlers of Catan at 8 o’clock p.m.,” Yep, it happened, Sunday night during […]
Rose Gold Metal Dice Set Kickstarter From Easy Roller Dice Company
Easy Roller Dice Company, are unleashing a new set of dice onto the world and gamers and everywhere. We’re back again to bring you a fantastic new round of dice that is sure to make the players around your table twitch with envy. Today we’re featuring what we call the Rose Gold Dice […]