Drac has a chat with Chris Birch, founder of Modiphius Entertainment. We cover his history in gaming, and the new kickstarter that is running now (With 5 days left, as of this posting) Siege of the Citadel - 2nd Edition Boardgame And there upcoming Star Trek RPG
DDO Players 13th Age Review
13th Age is published by Pelgrane Press, and was co-designed by Rob Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet, both alumni of various Dungeons & Dragons editions. These 2 gentlemens backgrounds speak volumes : About Rob Heinsoo Rob Heinsoo has created dozens of role-playing games, card games, miniatures games and board games. He led the design of [&he
Ultra Pro Announces D&D Card Sleeves and Playmats
Ultra PRO will be releasing licensed Dungeons & Dragons TCG accessories including card sleeves, deck boxes, and playmats in November. The Dungeons & Dragons Standard Deck Protector Sleeves (50 ct) are made of archival-safe polypropylene materials and measure 66mm x 91 mm. They come in three different styles: Count Strahd von Zarovich
DDO Store Sales: Sept. 30th – Oct. 6th
Free Sample Of The Week Sept 30th-Oct 6th Lesser Treasure Hunter’s Elixir x1 Use Coupon Code THELIXIR 1/Account Slayer Count Boosts Drac Says – Always good to see this on sale! Select Shared Storage Drac Says – More Space! Yes Please! Jewels of Fortune Drac Says – Better […]
DDO Players Dumpster Diver Card Game Review
As the old saying goes One man’s trash is another man’s treasure Dumpster Diver – Published by MegaCon Games – is a casually strategic card game built for 2-4 players. Embrace your inner dumpster diver as you forage, buy, sell, and dumpster dive your way to collecting the most priceless treasures from [&