We give our SPOILER FREE thoughts on Update 32 Against The Slave Lords. And Pineleaf drops a bombshell on Drac!
Poll – What Was Your Favorite Part Of The New Producer’s Letter?
The New Producer’s Is Out! So of course, it’s logical that we want to know You may vote 4 times on this poll, so if there are a few options you want to choose, you can spread your votes around! [poll id=”34″]
DDO Producer’s Letter – September 2016 Edition
The long awaited Producer’s Letter has dropped as of today. Severlin posted on the forum’s today, Let’s dig in shall we. I hope you’ve been enjoying Against the Slave Lords, checking out our new Cannith Crafting update, and helping us celebrate a decade of DDO! I’m writing today to talk about our [
DDO Players Adventures in Middle-earth Player’s Guide Review
Smaug has been defeated, the Battle of Five Armies has been won, and Bilbo has returned to the Shire. But much danger still remains, and from the Orc-holds of the mountains to the dark and corrupt depths of Mirkwood a darkness waits, recovering its strength, laying its plans, and slowly extending its shadow… In […]
DDO Players – Ice Cool Review
One of the big surprises of Gen Con 2016 was Ice Cool, from Brain Games out of Latvia. My first visit to the press room, I saw a few people sitting around a table and playing this crazy game with little penguins. The game sold out pretty fast at Gen Con. I was happy […]