New Strange Aeons Six-Month Adventure Path Pits the Heroes of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Against Lovecraftian Cosmic Horrors Paizo Inc. announces the release of “In Search of Sanity,” volume one in the new Strange Aeons Adventure Path for the award-winning Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, in which new monsters, mind-shattering
Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game Kickstarter
Steve Jackson Games is ready to celebrate the 30th anniversary of GURPS, Has it really been that long? They’re going back to GURPS Dungeon Fantasy, and releasing a stand-alone RPG that focuses on the Old School joys of dungeon-delving hack-and-slash. GURPS (the Generic Universal RolePlaying System) turns 30 this year, and Dunge
Rather Dashing Games Strategy Game Element Coming In December
Fire. Water. Earth. Wind. These four Elements have driven mankind’s mythology, philosophy and science for thousands of years. Now master these primal forces in this easy-to-learn but deeply strategic game. Element, the latest release from the creative minds at Rather Dashing Games, is a unique strategy game for 2 to 4 players, ages [&
DDO Players Interview With Travis Willingham
Drac has a chat with Voice Actor Travis Willingham. Travis Willingham is best known as the voice of Thor in the animated Marvel movies, and of course as Grog Strongjaw From Critical Role. He will also be the voice of the Dungeon Master in Update 32: Against The Slave Lords. We cover his work as a voice actor, Critical Role, and his voice work f
DDO Players Poll – What Are You Looking Forward To The Most, With Update 32: Against the Slave Lords
We are getting closer to the release of Update 32: Against The Slave Lords, So we had to ask : [poll id=”33″]