We told you about Kings Road Publishing plans to bring an Dungeonology and Coloring Book to the UK. It now looks like those of us here in the sates, will be able to pick them as well! Candlewick Press, an imprint of Penguin Random House, will release the new licensed Dungeonology book . […]
DDO Players Bloc By Bloc Out Of Order Games Interview
Drac chats with Co Designer of BLOC by BLOC: The Insurrection Game Tim Simons. We cover the Kickstarter, the game itself, and some of the thought behind making the game, and of course the controversy that has and will swell around the game.
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #49
This weeks screen shot comes to us by Brian. He says Seekn watching the sun set on Three Barrel Cove. Keep up the fun in the pod cast! Brian If you would like to see your screen shot on the site, send them to podcast@ddoplayers.com
Tabletop Season 4 Game List
We know now what games will be featured when the new season of Tabletop hits the web (No start date is set yet) Lanterns Fury of Dracula Mysterium Code Names FATE Core Dragon Farkle Flashpoint Harbour Eldritch Horror Star Realms Monarch Star Trek – 5 Year Mission Champions of Midgard Steam Park Tiny […]
Barnes And Noble Will Expand Game Events To All 640 Stores
We told you about the Barnes & Noble, “Casual Game Gatherings” in 57, or about 9%, of its stores in last March. The company is now expanding game events to the full 640-store chain, the company announced. The first event, a “Tabletop Gaming Meet Up,” will be held April 30, around five featured games: […]