Mirthgar an Customer Service Representative made a post to the forums today detailing a few changes that you MIGHT have to make after the data center move is done and servers are back up. If you previously setup port forwarding (or port triggering) on your router and/or modem for ports 9000-9010 UDP, updating the […]
DDO Players Interview Nick From The Shady Rogues
Drac has a chat with Nick from The Shady Rogues
Downtime Notice: 5:00 AM – 5:00 PM Eastern Tuesday, March 8th
Cordovan posted on the forums about some upcoming downtime: The DDO game servers will be down from 5:00 AM – 5:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT) on Tuesday, March 8th to move the game servers to a new data center. It is possible that the game worlds will be open prior to 5:00 PM Eastern, […]
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #45
If you have a screen shot you would like to see featured on the site, send it to podcast@ddoplayers.com This weeks shot features Drac’s rogue Illyria stalking a Medusa thru the mists *Click for full size*
Ravenloft Comes To The DMs Guild
You can now design and sell adventures, backgrounds etc. set in the Ravenloft for the DMs Guild website. https://twitter.com/Onnatryx/status/705775691325947904 The text on the page reads When you create your own title for the Dungeon Masters Guild, you get access to a hoard of resources. Your work can use any of the 5th Edition D&D rules [&hell