From the this makes sense file.. When you visit DNDClassics you will see this message DMsGuild taking over for DnDClassics With the launch of the new Dungeon Masters Guild marketplace, which combines D&D classics with 5th edition content from the community, we will soon reset all links for to redirect automatically to DMsGuild.c
Ed Greenwood Is Coming Back To The Forgotten Realms!
Over on the Onder Librum facebook page a few days ago, this little nugget was dropped with out much fan fare. The full text reads The Ed Greenwood Group is pleased to announce a special Forgotten Realms® project: guides and adventures that explore the unexplored. Each year Ed Greenwood, The Archmage, will write a […]
Curse of Strahd Map Sneak Peek
Interesting tweet from Madam Eva yesterday (WOTC) What's this? @ChrisPerkinsDnD's original hand-drawn maps for Curse of Strahd? #dndfortune — Dungeons & Dragons (@Wizards_DnD) January 26, 2016 I hope we get to see more of the behinds the scenes stuff, and it’s always good to see inside the m
DDO Players News Episode 69 An Unconventional Convoy
With the lack of game news this week, we cover the AMA WOTC had on Reddit. Also they are not having a presence at Gen Con this year. Want to make money? Put your game up on Kickstarter.
Pathfinder Adventures Online Card Game Coming Soon
Obsidian has announced that it will launch Pathfinder Adventures, an online card game based on Paizo’s Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, as a free-to-play for iPads and Android tablets on March 29. Additional platforms are planned. The initial release will be as a single-player or pass-and-play game, with online multiplayer functionality to be added