Not a lot of game news this week, we did talk about the Warlock preview video, We had a discussion over the thread where Severlin was asking for feedback on cosmetics. We did have a ton of Dungeons And Dragons 5E news! And a update on Sword Coast Legends!
Poll : Do You Use Cosmetics In DDO?
This week on the podcast, We discussed a thread in the forum’s talking about Cosmetics, so that brings us to this question. [poll id=”9″]
The Wizards D&D Team Heads To The Temple Of Elemental Evil
That’s right! You read that correct, the folks over at Wizards are going to to take on the iconic temple. A sinister force, long thought destroyed, stirs from the black hole that spawned it. And so it begins. Again. That’s right—we’re going back to the original Temple of Elemental Evil and you’re invited to watch […]
Sword Coast Legends Now Available For Pre Order Via Steam
For those that were waiting to Pre Order Sword Coast Legends on steam, as of today you now can. Steam lists the launch date of Sept 8th, which is the first time we have seen a date. Pre Order Here.
Dungeons And Dragons 5E Wins At Origins Awards
The 2015 Origins Award winners were announced at the Origins Game Fair Over the weekend, and D&D 5E continues to pick up awards. Best Role Playing Game Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook (Wizards of the Coast)Best Role Playing Supplement Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual (Wizards of the Coast) Also of note to D&D fans is […]