Washington state senators craft letter to Gen Con

With Indiana Governor Mike Pence signing the contervisoal SB101 (Aka RFRA) bill into law. A group of Washington state senators are trying to woo Gen Con away when there contract is up in 2020.
Spearheaded by Sen. Steve Hobbs. The Lake Stevens lawmaker has gathered the signatures of 37 Washington State Senators and Representatives, encouraging Gen Con CEO and Washington State native Adrian Swartout to relocate the gaming convention to move to Washington State.
Mr. Hobbs says :
Washington is Nerd-vana. Our state has long been a hub of all things comics, games and other entities loved by people of all walks of life. Conventions such as Dragonflight, PAX, Lock and Load, Paizocon, Emerald City Comicon, and others call Washington home. They are well attended and would immediately welcome Gen Con to the fold.
Gaming companies such as Wizards of the Coast, Virtue Privateer Press, Paizo, Catalyst Game Labs and Wizkids also are located here, as are household names such as Valve, Nintendo, PopCap Games and Microsoft.
As we reported before, Gen Con is locked into Indy till 2020. Also we should note that Indiana’s General Assembly overwhelmingly passed an amendment to RFRA, signed by the Governor, that will remove RFRA’s risk of discrimination or refusal of service statewide. The amended law will reflect Indianapolis’ own longstanding human rights ordinance which includes protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. With this amendment, no one can refuse you service under RFRA. Period.
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