Buccaneer Card Game On Kickstarter


Avast, me hearties! It’s off the plank with ye! Now where did I put my rum.


Buccaneer is a new card game that is up on Kickstarter right now. Billed as a card game for people who are into pirates, treasure maps, storms, monkeys, and treasure.

The object of the game is to create sets of cards whose total equals 11 and play them in front of you. Cards have the numbers 1,3,5,8, and 10 on them. There’s also Action cards. These will be played on other players in order to disrupt their plans. You might make them skip a turn or take a card from their hand or force them to discard. Such things like that. The first player to have three sets of 11 in front of them is the winner.




The kickstarter is up and running now, with 32 days left and is currently (as of this posting) 1 % funded




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