Could This Be The Ravenloft Pricing?


Today over on the Lord Of The Rings Online (LOTRO) side of SSG, they announced the pricing for Pre-Orders for the upcoming Mordor expansion. Our sister site LOTRO Players has all the juicy details on that.

You might asking yourself, Drac why are you posting about LOTRO over here on DDO Players! Simple, we have Ravenloft coming, we know that it’s supposed to be this year. but do not details beyond that. If your like me, you will be curious as to how much you have to save to purchase it, This is what they are doing with Mordor over at LOTRO.

*Click For Full Size*

The Break Down

The Ultimate Fan Bundle $129.99

  • Mordor Expansion
    300+ New Quests
    Hundreds of new Deeds
    New Allegiance System
    New instance cluster with raid* and more!**
    Aria of the Valar – a level boost to Mordor!
    High Elf Race
    Character Slot
    Exclusive Alliance Cosmetics
    Exclusive armor, cloak, & kite!
    Exclusive Mordor Cosmetics
    Exclusive armor, cloak, & eagle kite!
    Exclusive Alliance Mount
    Exclusive Mordor Mount
    Two Exclusive Titles
    “Walked Into Mordor”
    “The Ultimate”
    Equippable XP Accelerator for all characters!
    Exclusive Housing Teleport for all characters!
    Three Relics for all characters
    Two Essence Reclamation Scrolls for all characters!
    Ten Extra Shared Storage Slots
    A code for a month of VIP Access


Collector’s Edition $79.99

  • Mordor Expansion
    300+ New Quests
    Hundreds of new Deeds
    New Allegiance System
    New instance cluster with raid* and more!**
    Aria of the Valar – a level boost to Mordor!
    High Elf Race
    Character Slot
    Exclusive Alliance Cosmetics
    Exclusive armor, cloak, & kite!
    Exclusive Title
    “Walked Into Mordor”
    Exclusive Alliance Mount


Standard Edition $39.99

  • Mordor Expansion
    300+ New Quests
    Hundreds of new Deeds
    New Allegiance System
    New instance cluster with raid* and more!**
    Aria of the Valar – a level boost to Mordor!





So we have a range of 40-130. If we judge by amount of quests, I know we can’t judge the “Quests” part as we don’t have them, we have dungeons, but other than that, I can see some cosmetics and pets something like that.

We can speculate that we have 2 raids and a wilderness area judging by this. (This of course could be subject to change)


If we fire up the way-back machine we can see pricing for Menace Of The Underdark :

Collectors Edition Standard Edition Base Edition
Price $79.99 $49.99 $29.99
3 Forgotten Realms Adventure Packs
Epic Destinies
Druid Class
(Free to VIPs)
Eveningstar Challenge Pack
(Free to VIPs)
Greater Tome of Learning 1 Free Tome per server 1 Free Tome per server
Lesser Tome of Learning 1 Free Tome per character forever 1 Free Tome per server
Greater Experience Elixir 1 Free potion per character forever 1 Free potion per character forever 1 Free potion per character forever
Turbine Points Included 2,000 1,000
Veteran Status-Level 7
(Unlockable via Favor)
Veteran Status-Level 4
(Unlockable via Favor)
DDO Epic Classics Adventure Pack Bundle
DDO Classics Adventure Pack Bundle
Cosmetic Pet: Demonweb Spiderling
Cosmetic Pet: Druid’s Wolf Pup
Cosmetic Pet: Onyx Panther Pup
Spider Cult Mask cosmetic helmet ✔ (Elite Version) ✔ (Regular Version)
Figurine of Wondrous Power: Onyx Panther
Stone of Experience (expires in August 2012) 5 3 2


And for the Shadowfell Conspiracy

Price $49.99 $29.99
Collectors Edition Standard Edition
2 New Forgotten Realms Adventure Packs
Shadow of a Doubt Quest
Character Slots 3 1
Shadar-kai Assassin Iconic Hero
Sun-elf Morninglord Iconic Hero
Purple Dragon Knight Iconic Hero
Greater Tome of Epic Learning (1 per Server) (BtA)
Skill tome (1 per character) (BtC) +2 Skill Tome +1 Skill Tome
DDO Points Included 2,000 1,000
Bladeforged Paladin Iconic Hero
(with additional character slot)
Shadar-kai Assassin Cosmetic Costume (BtA)
Bladeforged Warrior Grand Bladeforged Frame (BtA)
Bladeforged Warrior Steel Bladeforged Frame (BtA)
Calico Tressym Creature Companion
Tawny Owlbear Creature Companion
(cosmetic companion, not the hireling)
Stormhorn Specs Cosmetic Goggles (BtA)
Mountaineers Cosmetic Goggles (BtA)

So can we judge by that this will be the pricing? or will it be a total different pricing structure? What do you think?

Either way, I need to start saving, maybe sell plasma if that’s the pricing we will see the “Top Tier” package.


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6 thoughts on “Could This Be The Ravenloft Pricing?

  1. The Standard and Collector’s Editions of the Ravenloft expansion should have the same pricing as their LOTRO counterparts, but I doubt the third tier of the Ravenloft editions (if there is one) will be $129.99. DDO has never offered something that expensive during an expansion, to my knowledge.

    1. I agree, I would think we would see79.99, 59.99, 29.99 maybe.. something along those lines.. I can’t even think of ANYTHING that they could add on that would make it worth a 129.99 price tag!

      1. Exactly. There will probably be Base, Standard, and Collector’s Editions of the Ravenloft expansion, with pricing that matches the three MOTU editions.

  2. When you purchased either MotU or SC you could purchase 11,000 DDO points for $59.99 and there was an upgrade offer for SC for $39.99.

    Many players spent $159.97 on SC.

  3. I am going to buy the Expansion with DDO Points when available. I am taking a stand with this release like I am with the Mordor one. Prices are way too high for what you get. And what you get is mainly useless to me. Have been a VIP with DDO for many years, so they have my money each month. But these prices and lack of incentive and content in those packs is just taking the rise.

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